[:de]Vans Old Skool und Bomberjacke[:en]Vans Old Skool and bomber jacket[:]


Vans Old Skool Classic

Etwas verspätet, aber dennoch gekauft! Erinnert ihr euch noch an den Trendreport, den ich über die Vans Oldskool geschrieben habe? Jetzt bin ich auch endlich eine Vansgirl!

Kombiniert habe ich die Vans Old Skool mit Disco Leggings und eine schwarze Bomberjacke. Was meint ihr?



Vans Old Skool Classic

Okay guys, remember my trend report about the Vans Old Skool and how every cool girl on Instagram were wearing them? Well, now I officially belong to the #Vansgirl gang. My cute boyfriend bought me these shoes because he wanted me to match him. Can you imagine us walking down the streets wearing the same shoes? haha!

I combined my Vans Old Skool with a black disco leggings and a black bomber jacket from Boohoo. What do you think about this look?



Fashionblogger aus Berlin, Editor

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