All right guys, Coachella season has begun and everybody is getting crazy and excited. Myself included. I follow a lot of people on Snapchat that are in palm spring right now living the good life! You should definitely follow these people: Songofstyle, Chiaraferragni, negin_mirsalehi & kristina_bazan. Basically all the successful fashion bloggers at the moment. I swear, their energy and excitement is contagious. I am so sad that I can’t be there. Every year same situation.. But you know, lets see what the future might bring. Here I collected some of my boho Coachella inspired outfits from the past. Just a little bit inspiration and Coachella feeling on my blog. Do you know any blogger to follow during the Coachella season?
such incredible style!
Thanks hun x
WOW – alles hammer Looks, ehrlich! Ich liiebe liebe liebe deinen Style!
Liebste Grüße Aline
Vielen Dank Aline !
LG <3
Das erste Bild macht soooo Lust auf Sommer! Super schön! 🙂
LG, Amelie
Danke <3
nice looks!
das erste outfit ist super cool!
Nathalie von Fashion Passion Love ♥